

Thursday, August 6, 2015

August already?

And so another summer has come and almost gone. I used to love the end of summer and back to school time, but this summer was different. We had so much fun on our New England vacation that it was hard to see it end, and this summer marks the first since my son was born that I know for certain the end of summer also means back to work for me. It's going to take some serious adjustment. Add to the fun of doing what we want, not having schedules, sleeping till 8 or *gasp* 9, the fact that I'm recovering from the worst bout of vertigo I have ever had and it's going to be a seriously tough re-entry.

But there was knitting… and yarn shopping and it was good.

I worked hard to finish the second Ellafunt in time to leave it on the East coast with its intended recipient.

My step mom and I hit up Halcyon Yarn in Bath and I was surprised that I didn't buy any yarn. But I did get the book Home and Away and I'm looking forward to knitting a few things from it. 

Both Ellafunts were completed in time. 

I knit a pair of wavy stripe socks and made mistakes because conversation in this circle of folks was too fun and I had a hard time keeping track of my pattern. 

But even better than the knitting and the shopping was that distracting conversation and the time spent just staring out at the river and exploring the Maine coast which is near and dear to my heart. Until next time!