

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Finally Finished

I've been working on these socks since June sometime. I cast on for them to be my 'traveling socks' since I always like to bring a pair with me to work on when I fly. Not surprisingly, only a few rows of these socks were actually knit on the airplane (I was traveling alone with a 6 year old after all). Most of the first sock was knit at my father's house while he watched lots of baseball and sappy movies on the Hallmark channel! (yes really).  The second sock was knit at the beach, on a hike break, in the car, at the park and while watching True Blood, Breaking Bad and Orange is the new black... it appears I watch too much television!

Here they are:

Rib and Cable Socks by Nancy Bush

Despite the photo, they are in fact the same length, one is just a little  more scrunched in the pic. I didn't modify this pattern much, except to make the calf shorter. These were so much fun to knit. I love the fact that for me this was a pattern I didn't actually need the pattern for. Other than for knitting the heal flap and turning the heal I never looked at the pattern at all. I decreased the toe in my own fashion rather than using her directions just out of shear laziness. For me these socks just nailed home the fact that I am finally a really confident sock knitter. I don't fret anymore at the heals or toes and even though sometimes I still screw it up, most of the time I can kitchener a toe without directions in front of me. This, my friend, makes this lady one happy sock knitter! 

As with everything I knit, there is at least one totally obvious mistake, and I really don't mind at all. These socks were knit with my two hands, not some factory machine and a mistake just adds to the charm. 

With these off the needles I get to shop the stash for my next sock project and I think I might already know exactly what that will be! 

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